Research Grant Information

  •  Letter of Intent (LOI) Format:

 The LOI will be used for initial screening. Only selected proposals will be asked to submit a complete proposal. The LOI is limited to 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point font. The 2-page LOI should contain: the title, the PI name and institution, a statement of purpose or hypothesis, the specific aims, a summary of approach or experimental design, an expected outcome or importance, a projected time period, and an estimate of total cost.

  • Grant Format 

Here are the general requirements:

1. Cover page project title, PI name and title, institution and address; PI email and phone; also include OSPA contact person name, address, email, and phone

2. Abstract (1 page)

3. Background and Preliminary Data (3 pages)

4. Hypothesis and Specific Aims (1 page)

5. Approach and Methods (include a detailed timeline) (4 pages)

6. Contribution to understanding nutritional value of eggs (1 paragraph)

7. References Central to Proposal (1 page; smaller font acceptable)

8. Budget and Justification (2 pages; maximum 10% ICR permitted)

9. CV for PI and co-PIs (2 page NIH format – no personal statement)




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