ENCs newsroom is a centralized source of press releases and news related to eggs and health. For media requests, contact the Egg Media Hotline at 1.855.EGGS411 or [email protected].
Press Releases
One egg per day associated with 12 percent reduced risk of stroke 11/01/2016
Protein and antioxidants found in eggs named as potential nutritional factors
Eggs Find Their Place at the School Table 07/28/2016
Smart Snacks Rule Cites Eggs as Nutrient Dense Option for Schools
New Dietary Guidelines Remove Daily Limit on Cholesterol and Include Eggs in Recommended Eating Patterns 01/07/2016
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) remove a daily limit on dietary cholesterol and include eggs in all three recommended healthy eating patterns, which have been shown to reduce the risk of major chronic health conditions facing Americans.
New Study Suggests Choline Recommendations During Pregnancy May Be Too Low 01/30/2015
National Birth Defects Prevention Month underscores need for higher choline intake
New Research Points To Benefits Of Eggs, Even For Those At Cardiovascular Risk 04/23/2013
Nutrition research from Experimental Biology 2013
Egg Nutrition Research Reveals Positive Impact On Metabolic Syndrome And Satiety 04/24/2012
Lessons from Experimental Biology 2012
Eating Eggs For Breakfast Helps Reduce Calorie Consumption Throughout The Day By 18 Percent 04/06/2010
New research reports that eating protein in the morning helps manage hunger
Breakfast Choices Impact Hunger And Calorie Consumption Throughout Day 04/20/2009
Breaking research at Experimental Biology 2009 supports the benefits of eating eggs for breakfast
Essential Nutrient Found In Eggs Reduces Risk Of Breast Cancer By 24 Percent 04/03/2008
Most women in the US consume too little choline
Adults Who Eat Eggs For Breakfast Lose 65 Percent More Weight 08/05/2008
New research confirms that eating eggs boosts a healthy weight loss plan
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