Below are articles related to cardiovascular health.
Dietary fat and cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults: The Health ABC Study Houston DK et al. Dietary fat and cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults: The Health ABC Study. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2011; 21(6): 430-437.
Egg Consumption and Coronary Heart Disease: An Epidemiologic Overview. Kritchevsky SB, Kritchevsky D. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2000;19(5):549S-555S.
Dietary cholesterol and atherosclerosis. McNamara DJ. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2000;1529:310-320.
The Impact of Egg Limitations on Coronary Heart Disease Risk: Do the Numbers Add Up? McNamara DJ. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2000;19(5):540S-548S.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin and Their Potential Roles in Disease Prevention. Ribaya-Mercado JD, Blumberg JB. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2004;23:567S-587S.
Regular egg consumption does not increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Qureshi AI, Suri FK, Ahmed S. et al. Medical Science Monitor 2007;13(1):CR1-8.
Balancing and communicating risks and benefits associated with egg consumption a relative risk study. Tran NL, Barraj L, Mink P, McNamara DJ. The FASEB Journal 2007 21:677.6.
Consumption of Menus Containing the Equivalent of Two and Four Egg Yolks in Older Adults on Cholesterol Lowering Medication is Associated with Significant Changes in Serum Lutein and Zeaxanthin Concentrations and Macular Pigment Optical Density (MPOD). Vishwanathan R, Goodrow E, Wilson T, Nicolosi RJ. The FASEB Journal 2007 21:541.14.
C reactive protein (CRP) levels are not affected in participants consuming the equivalent of 2 and 4 egg yolks/day while on cholesterol-lowering medication. Goodrow EF, Vishwanathan R, WilsonT, Nicolosi R. The FASEB Journal 2007 21:847.4.
Eggs increase plasma HDL cholesterol and lutein concentrations in overweight/obese men following a carbohydrate restricted diet. Mutungi G, Ratliff J, Waters D, Torres-Gonzalez M, Clark RM, Volek JS, and Fernandez. ML. The FASEB Journal 2007 21:351.4.
Egg consumption in relation to cardiovascular disease and mortality: the Physicians Health Study. Djouss? L and Gaziano JM. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:964-9.
Dietary cholesterol from eggs increases plasma HDL cholesterol in overweight men consuming a carbohydrate-restricted diet. Mutungi G, Ratliff J, Fernandez ML, et al. J Nutr 2008;138(2):272-6.
Progression of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Plasma Antioxidants: The Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study. Dwyer JH, Paul-Labrador MJ, Fan J, Shircore AM, Merz CNB, Dwyer KM. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2004;24:313-319.
High Intake of Cholesterol Results in Less Atherogenic Low-Density Lipoprotein Particles in Men and Women Independent of Response Classification. Herron KL, Lofgren IE, Sharman M, Volek JS, Fernandez, ML. Metabolism 2004;53(6):823-830.
Oxygenated Cartenoid Lutein and Progression of Early Atherosclerosis: The Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study. Dwyer JH, Navab M, Dwyer KM, et al. Circulation 2001;103:2922-2927.
Case-Control Study of Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction in Relation to Selected Foods in Japanese Men and Women. Sasasuki S. Japanese Circulation Journal 2001;65:200-206.
A Prospective Study of Egg Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Men and Women. Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. JAMA 1999;281:1387-1394.
Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on serum lipid response to the separate modification of dietary fat and dietary cholesterol. Sarkkinen E, Korhonen M, Erkkil?A, et al. American Journal Clinical Nutrition 1998;68:1215-22.