The Nutrition Close-Up is one of the many ways that ENC shares new perspectives in health and nutrition by featuring articles written by top experts in the field.
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Current Issue
- An Allergist-Moms Guide to Preventing Food Allergies
- Parental Feeding Practices and Child Nutrition
- Addition, Not Subtraction to Best Support Clients
Full Archived Issues
- Protein Foods From A Variety of Sources Contribute To Nutrient Adequacy
- Eggs: A Perfect Ingredient for Powerful Produce Pairings
- Food as Lifestyle Medicine
- Research News: Choline, Lutein and Cognition
- Incorporating Eggs into a Plant-Based Diet
- Whole Eggs Uniquely Support Muscle Health
- Sustainable Nutrition for Women and Children: Eggs as Part of the Global Solution
- Power of the First 1000 Days: Early Nutrition for Lifelong Health
- Choline The Underconsumed and Underappreciated Essential Nutrient
- Baby-Led Weaning: A Fresh Approach to Starting Solids
- Lutein The Eyes and Brains Best Friend
- Healthy, Sustainable Eating Patterns and the Importance of the Big Picture
- Systems Approach and Methods Could Transform Nutrition
- Raising a Village One Egg at a Time
- 5 Grounding Foods for Summer
- Meet Mickey Rubin, PhD ENCs New Executive Director
- Intermittent Fasting for Health and Longevity
- Discover Extreme Sports
- Spacing Protein Intake Can it Help with Weight Loss and Maintenance?
- Eat your Eggs After: A Recovery Food for Athletes
- A Review of What the Health
- Foods and My Baby: Perspectives from a Pregnant Mom
- Gastrophysics: Hidden Sides of Palatability
- Prioritizing Breakfast: Practical Back-to-School Advice
- Eggs for the Nutritionally Vulnerable
- Osteoporosis Prevention Thinking Beyond Calcium
- Eggs & Cholesterol: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
- Eggs Belong in Schools
- The Tidal Wave Shift Toward Cage-Free Eggs
- Shell Shock: Big Changes at the Egg Nutrition Center
- Changes in food allergy recommendations: a spotlight on egg allergens
- Rec·i·pe: a medical prescription
- Filling the gaps on Nutrients of Concern
- Oh the thinks you can think on pediatric obesity
- Fight fat phobia
- Dietary patterns to optimize endothelial function
- A nutrition scientists perspective on the new food label
- Guiding Stars updates its guidance on cholesterol
- Novel strategies to lower inflammation through diet
- The egg: a useful tool for eating disorder nutrition therapy
- Eggs are grade A after all
- Put an egg on it
- Meet Anne Alonzo, AEBs new President & CEO
- Transforming healthcare to fight hunger
- Do you need a protein supplement to build muscle
- Dietary cholesterol infographic and Culinary Institute of America recipe videos
- Muscle quality: what does it mean to your health
- Industry-funded nutrition science neednt wear a scarlet letter
- Feeding struggles, moderation, and eggs
- Does skipping breakfast lead to faster fat loss?
- Macro and micronutrient needs of bariatric patients: a review
- ENCs new web site coming in January
- Should people with diabetes eat eggs?
- Underfueling: Are we taking weight loss too far?
- Eggs and Diabetes: Perspectives from clinical studies.
- For patients with renal disease, egg yolk is gold.
- Experts still searching for solution to obesity crisis.
- Egg consumption improves carotenoid absorption
- Plants + proteins = progress
- Rethinking saturated fat and heart disease
- Can we become addicted to some types of foods?
- Uncracking the Incredible Edible Egg
- Egg Consumption and coronary artery disease risk.
- Providing dietary guidance amidst inevitable change.
- Eating Clean for pregnancy.
- Celiac disease in a gluten-free nutshell.
- Dietitians and the food industry: an important seat at the table.
- Can culinary medicine succeed where diet drugs dont.
- Nutrition research: a messy science.
- Omega-3 fatty acids: are we getting enough.
- Easy habit-changing tips for a healthier you in 2015.
- Translating research into public policy can be tricky.
- Update: saturated fats not so bad after all.
- Extreme-ly simplistic thinking.
- Economical eggs one answer to vitamin D deficiency.
- Literature evaluation for credible communications.
- Breaking common misperceptions about egg nutrition.
- 2014 ENC research grant and dissertation fellowship recipients.
- The role of the brain, food cues, in overeating.
- Vitamin D: a stronger link to health.
- Complexity of individual variability in nutrition.
- New research in fight against childhood obesity.
- Low-carb training getting mileage with endurance athletes.
- Protein distribution: the case for a meal-driven approach to dietary protein consumption.
- Published nutrition research: rising above the skepticism.
- Dietary guidelines for americans: engaging change.
- Beneficial effects of a reduced carbohydrate diet in PCOS.
- Post-workout protein speeds recovery after exercise.
- Power up protein at breakfast.
- Weighing in on 2014.
- An overview of diabetes meal planning.
- Top 5 lessons for runners.
- New cardiovascular risk management guidelines.
- Optimizing female fertility through diet.
- Our ever-evolving view of the foods we eat.
- Unintended consequences of eating by headlines.
- MyPlate meal planning.
- Whats not to like about eggs?
- 2013 ENC research grand and dissertation fellowship recipients.
- Eggs may protect against metabolic syndrome by raising HDLs and by increasing circulating carotenoid levels.
- Fighting back against sarcopenia.
- Pediatric food allergies.
- ENC eNewsletter Nutrition Research Update.
- New Education Tool.
- The effects of protein quantity and timing of consumption on appetite control, satiety and body weight management.
- Nutritional needs for female runners.
- The truth behind dietary cholesterol and lipids.
- Nutrition research update.
- New education tool The Yolk: A Nutrient Goldmine
- Is diet quality inversely related to health outcomes.
- How do you interpret nutrition research findings.
- Protein content of the diabetes diet: are we ready for change?
- Help your patients at risk for type 2 diabetes; resources from the national diabetes education program.
- ENC teacher exchange: an egg nutrition center program.
- Lutein: protection from the eye to the brain.
- Protein intake: the key to healthy aging.
- HDL function is an important indicator of cardiovascular disease risk.
- Encouraging delicious gluten-free menu planning.
- Consumer attitudes about protein.
- New features on Refreshed ENC website.
- From malnourished to misnourished: when was the last time you ate a school lunch.
- The vitamin D Quandary: are there health benefits to increased intake.
- Protein preferences in the Hispanic community.
- Dietary cholesterol: is it time to re-think long held beliefs?
- 2012 tracking survey: what health professionals think.
- Helping customers shop for health: the emerging role of the supermarket dietitian
- Baked egg improves egg tolerance in egg allergic children
- New research: lean beef in DASH-style diet improves heart health
- Understanding cholesterol metabolism, eggs and type 2 diabetes
- Inform, Research and Communicate
- Are obese individuals more sensitive to high calorie foods?
- Is choline intake related to memory loss in aging adults?
- The role of protein in weight management
- Importance of eating a nutrient-dense diet during pregnancy
- Addressing childhood obesity: helping kids eat better in restaurants
- Protein distribution to maintain lean mass with age
- Rethinking dietary cholesterol
- Protein enhances benefits of exercise during weight loss
- A new look at middle aged weight gain
- ENC childhood obesity roundtable
- ENC protein webinar
- ENC is a national strategic partner of the MyPlate/MiPlato Program
- Eggs and evidence-based nutrition in the dietary guidelines for Americans 2010
- Consensus of scientific opinion on dietary cholesterol: point, counterpoint
- Nutrition news in brief
- The multiple metabolic roles of protein for weight loss
- Differences and similarities: the DASH diet vs Mediterranean diet
- Is it time to be more objective about dietary cholesterol?
- Recent USDA ARS research confirms egg cholesterol lower than previously reported
- High quality proteins can impact circulating homocysteine levels
- If you enjoy receiving nutrition closeup, you may also enjoy Nutrition research update
- Balancing nutrient density & cost
- Conferences
- Eggsoneration
- A case of confusion
- Leucine and tissue remodeling
- Happening at ENC
- Eat well eat clean
- The new website
- Conferences
- Welcome to the new ENC
- The way Americans eat
- The need for high quality protein at each meal
- Happening at ENC
- Menu modeling to assess realists diets
- Nutrition news
- Conferences
- Higher choline levels associated with reduced risk of neural tube defects in folate-fortified population
- Dietary factors associated with coronary heart disease: how strong is the evidence?
- Special feature: egg nutrition research presented at experimental biology 2009
- Choline: an essential nutrient for public health
- Egg consumption during weight loss has no significant impact on serum lipids
- Eggs and dietary cholesterol an international perspective
- Prioritizing modifiable lifestyle factors to reduce the risk of CHD: a relative risk analysis
- Eggs and cholesterol: erasing the mythology- a UK perspective
- Egg Consumption, lifestyle factors, and all-cause mortality in the physicians health study I
- Special feature: Egg nutrition research presented at experimental biology 2008
- Eggs enhance anti-inflammatory effects of carbohydrate-restricted diets
- Choline intake and breast cancer risk
- No diet for older, overweight, inactive, hypertensive and hypercholesterolemic men who smoke and drink
- Including eggs in a reduced-carbohydrate diet improves HDL levels in overweight men
- Dietary saturated and trans fats associated with subclinical atherosclerosis
- Read it again for the first time
- Low protein intake might increase risk for age-related sarcopenia
- Give me a break perverse news from good science
- Egg intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes
- Dairy, egg, and whole grain intake and the risk of heart failure
- Influence of dietary quality on C-reactive protein concentrations
- Good egg, bad egg and lifestyle factors
- AEB-ENC research fellowship announcement
- Changes in plasma lutein with egg intake are associated with BMI in postmenopausal women
- Special feature: egg nutrition research presented at experimental biology 2007
- Read it again for the first time
- Different strokes for different folks
- New choline brochure from the egg nutrition center
- Results of the A to Z weight loss study
- Special feature: egg nutrition research presented at experimental biology 2007
- Read it again for the first time
- An A to Z sacrilege of dietary belief
- NHANES confirms an egg a day is okay
- Read it again for the first time
- Dietary fat intake and CHD risk in American Indian adults: results of the strong heart study
- Frequent egg intake and CHD incidence in Japan
- How green was my valley
- Pregnancy food guide offers health advice for moms-to-be
- Both high- and low-carbohydrate diets confer unique benefits in treating the metabolic syndrome
- Mediterranean diet might be especially protective for diabetic adults
- Read it again for the first time
- Refined carbohydrate intake associated with macular degeneration
- Good news, bad news
- Birth weight and diet sensitivity
- Taking a close look at trans-fats: the verdict is in but is the case closed?
- Read it again for the first time
- Timing of maternal undernutrition related to CAD risk
- Genetic polymorphism modifies response to dietary cholesterol
- Now it starts to make sense
- Low-fat diet advice for women: is the verdict still out?
- Protein, ghrelin, and perceived satiety
- Read it again for the first time
- High cholesterol intake influences chylomicron remnant metabolism
- A burnt out bulb in the guiding light
- Egg breakfast increases satiety and reduces energy intake
- Read it again for the first time
- Influence of egg intake on lipid profiles and plasma carotenoids: implications of the elderly
- Do genetic variations affect plasma lipid response to dietary cholesterol?
- Something old, something new (nothing borrowed, nothing blue
- Egg intake improves macular pigment density
- Dietary lipids unrelated to ovarian cancer
- Read it again for the first time
- Choline intake may be insufficient for many adults in the U.S.
- Letter to the editor Dr. David Kritchevsky