Eggs, Cholesterol and Health Issues
The articles listed below address a number of different issues dealing with eggs, cholesterol, and a variety of health issues, including food safety.
Dietary Cholesterol and Plasma Cholesterol: An Update | A review of dietary cholesterol feeding studies reported between 1994 and 1996. Includes comparison of dose adjusted responses to 143 reported cholesterol feeding studies carried out over the past thirty years. |
Good Nutrition is Ageless | A review of studies and commentary on the risks and benefits of dietary restrictions to reduce cardiovascular disease risk in the elderly. |
Salmonella | Information regarding Salmonella, food safety, and egg handling. |
Nutrition Information on Eggs | Everything you need to know about the nutritional value of eggs and the contributions eggs make to the balance, variety and moderation of the American diet. |
Egg Trivia | Interesting and unusual facts about eggs. |