Nutrition Close-Up, Fall 2014 (pdf, 2.5 MB)
Articles in this Issue
Update: saturated fats not so bad after all
By Nina Teicholz
This year has seen a proliferation of nutrition headlines that for the past half century would have been unthinkable. It seems that saturated fats, like those found in red meat and cheese, might not be so bad for health after all.
Extreme-ly simplistic thinking
By Mitch Kanter, PhD
GI particularly liked an article I recently read in the New York Times written by Dr. Aaron Carroll, a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University. Titled Dash of Salt Does No Harm. Extremes Are the Enemy, Dr. Carroll makes the point that too many of us in the health/nutrition community (as well as many lay people) fall into the trap of believing that if too much (or too little) of a particular nutrient is shown to be detrimental, then the opposite must be the safest dietary approach to pursue.
Economical eggs one answer to vitamin D deficiency
By Yanni Papanikolaou
While widespread cases of rickets date back at least to 17th century England, the cause remained elusive until McCollum and colleagues discovered vitamin D in 1957 and established a cure.1 While vitamin D research stalled for many years following that critical discovery, new research in recent years has reignited scientific interest in vitamin D and health outcomes. Low levels of vitamin D are now associated with various chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.
Literature evaluation for credible communications
By Kate G. Byers, MS, RDN
Whether working with patients or clients, writing content for a newsletter, publishing a blog or simply talking with family and friends, a solid understanding of how to critically evaluate and translate new research is not only important, its a professionals responsibility. An article
discussing a proven nutrition and health link might make your internal alarm bells ring, but not necessarily so for the general public, particularly when some media outlets sensationalize headlines to attract readers.
Breaking common misperceptions about egg nutrition
By Nicole Hartnett
Egg farmers produce a wide variety of eggs to meet consumer demand. But more choices can lead to confusion and conflicting information in the minds of consumers. Understanding the scientific underpinnings of modern egg production enables health professionals to dispel misperceptions and help their clients make informed choices.