American Egg Board – Egg Nutrition Center Dissertation Fellowship in Nutrition


AmericanEgg Board –  Egg Nutrition Center 

DissertationFellowship in Nutrition


The American Egg Board – Egg Nutrition Center(AEB-ENC) has established a dissertation research fellowship program tosupport students during the final three years of their doctoral research onnutrition topics related to eggs, egg products or functional nutrients in eggs. The primary emphasis of theprogram is on human nutrition and health related issues, and the contributionsof eggs or egg products to a healthy diet. The initial year of the award will bebased on a national competition, and the second and third years of funding are contingentupon satisfactory progress on the dissertation research project.

One AEB-ENC dissertation fellowship will beawarded each year. Applications will be reviewed by an expert panel ofnutritional scientists. The award will be made to an individual who, in thejudgment of the review panel, has demonstrated superior scholarship and showsthe greatest promise for future achievement as a nutrition researcher andteacher in institutions of higher education.


Eligibility for the AEB-ENC dissertationfellowship competition is restricted to:

  • PhD degree candidates at an accredited nonprofit U.S. institution of higher education offering a PhD degree in nutrition or nutrition-related field.
  • Individuals who aspire to a teaching and research career in nutrition.
  • Persons who have not earned a doctoral degree at any time, in any field.

Research Criteria:

Research projects must have substantialrelevance to the role of eggs in a healthy diet. Areas of interest include:

  • the relationship between egg consumption and the concentrations and metabolism of plasma lipids and lipoproteins;
  • the contributions of eggs to the quality of the diet in various socioeconomic segments of the population;
  • the roles in health of the protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and other nutrients in eggs;
  • the bioavailability of egg nutrients and/or effects of egg consumption on nutrient bioavailability and/or metabolism from other foods,
  • analysis of epidemiological data on the nutrient contributions of eggs.

Preference will be given to studies related tohuman; however, animal model studies with appropriate justification of relevanceto human health and to the egg industry will be given appropriate consideration.


Stipend support: up to $30,000 per yeardependent upon the institutional stipend rate which can be supplemented by theapplicants advisor.

Supply budget: $7,500 per year.

Travel funds: $2,500 per year to attendnational meetings and to present results of the dissertation research project.

Expenses will also be paid in FY03 for thefellow to attend the July meeting of the American Egg Board Nutrition Committeefor presentation of the dissertation research findings. No dependency allowanceswill be provided by this fellowship program.

Application Requirements:

[1] Letter of Intent:

Prospective applicants are requested to submita two [2] page Letter of Intent describing the planned project, its objectivesand relevance to the egg industry. Following review of the Letters of Intent,applicants whose projects meet the criteria of the program will be invited tosubmit a complete application.

[2] Application [not to exceed10 pages]:

  •  Introduction and Background
  •  Materials and Methods
  •  Experimental Design
  •  Expected Outcomes and Potential Pitfalls
  •  Relevance to the Egg Industry
  •  References

[3] Support Materials:

  • Letters of Recommendation [dissertation advisor, department head plus 2 additional letter]
  • Curriculum Vitae/Bibliography
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • Career Objectives [1 page]
  • Curriculum Vitae/Bibliography of dissertation advisor


The AEB-ENC fellowship awardee will berequired to submit semi-annual and annual progress reports and to present thefinal results of his/her study during the third year [FY03] of support to theNutrition Committee of the American Egg Board at its annual July meeting.AEB-ENC funding is to be acknowledged in any publications resulting from thesupported research.

AEB-ENC dissertation fellows should be engagedfull-time in a program leading to a PhD degree in nutrition or nutrition-relatedfield. A fellow may not accept remuneration from another fellowship or similarexternal award while on the AEB-ENC fellowship tenure; supplementation frominstitutional funds are allowed. After an award is offered, any substantialchanges in the research plan or fellowship site requires written approval fromthe Egg Nutrition Center. The fellow is wholly responsible for the conduct ofthe research, timely submission of progress reports, and preparation of researchresults for publication within the guidelines of the fellowship institution.Neither the American Egg Board nor the Egg Nutrition Center assumesresponsibility for the research findings or their interpretation.

Dates and Deadlines:

Letter of Intent [2 pages]: postmarked no later than 31 January
Request for applications:        candidates notification by 15 February
Application:                     postmarked no later than 15 April
Notification:     award notification by 15 May
Start:    1 July FY01
Semi-annual progress report:      1 December FY01
Renewal progress report:   1 June FY01
Notification:                    15 June FY01
Year 2 start:                   1 July FY02
Year 2 semi-annual report:        1 December FY02
Year 3 start:   1 July FY03
Year 3 semi-annual report:        1 December FY03
Presentation to Board:           July AEB meeting [Chicago IL]
Final progress report due: 31 July FY03

Send Letters of Intent postmarked no laterthan 31 January to:

Donald J. McNamara, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Egg Nutrition Center
1050 17th St. NW, Suite 560
Washington, DC 20036
202 833-8850 / FAX 202 463-0102
e-mail: [email protected]



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