
Advisors of the Egg Nutrition Center

ENC regularly convenes a Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) of independent scientists with expertise in human nutrition, food safety, epidemiology, and cardiology to evaluate research grant applications and to advise ENC and AEB on current issues related to eggs and health.

Gilbert A. Leveille

Gilbert A. Leveille, PhD
Leveille Associates

Heather Leidy

Heather Leidy, Ph.D.
University of Missouri-Columbia

Jim House

James D. House, B.Sc.(Agr), Ph.D., University of Manitoba

Kevin Maki

Kevin Maki, Ph.D.
Midwest Center for Metabolic & Cardiovascular Research

ENC hosts a Health Professional Advisory Panel (HPA) of independent allied health professionals with expertise in ENC’s target audiences. This group helps foster relationships and educate health professionals on ENC’s key nutrition and health messages.

Amy Campbell, MS, RD, LDN, CDE

Chris Barry

Chris Barry, PA-C, MMSc

Dave Ellis

Dave Ellis, RD, CSCS

Jennifer Hoehl


Karen Buch

Karen Buch, RDN, LD

Kathleen Zelman

Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD

MLynn cofer-Chase

Lynn Cofer-Chase, MSN, CLS, FAHA, FPCNA, FNLA

Mary Donkersloot

Mary Donkersloot, RD


Neva Cochran

Neva Cochran, MS, RDN, LD

Robyn Kirkman

Robyn Kievet Kirkman, FNP-BC, RDN, LDN, CSSD, CEDRD

Serena Ball

Serena Ball, MS, RD

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